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World usability day 2009 Events

On the second Thursday of the month of November is World Usability Day. It was founded to ensure that the services and products important to life are easier to access and simpler to use. Each year, it has a specific focus and this year is “Designing for a sustainable world”. In 2008 more than 40,000 people in 180 cities in 43+ countries participated in World Usability Day 2008.


Here is how you can participate:

Register a local event– energize your company, community, university or collaborate with your local UPA Chapter and business associationsor Volunteer by sharing your experiences on your blog/website or attend a local event. I might attend the one in Geneva by telono. Here is the details if you are interested.

Check out an event near you.

Filed under: User Experience

Co-creating Value

This section is dedicated to open innovation, collaborative, Particpatory Design Projects and Competitions.
NYC BIG APPS A software application competition to make the New York City more transparent, accessible and accountable, and easier place to live, work and play
NOKIA PUSH N900 A unique project from Nokia is looking for help from the world’s most skilled designers, artists, hackers and modders.
ITSME O.S Join a group of designers and developers to design next generation personal computing based on "Stories and Venues" metaphor

Project 10^100 Last fall Google launched Project 10^100, a call for ideas to change the world by helping as many people as possible. After over 150,000 submissions from more than 170 countries, 16 inspired finalists emerged and The Big G handed it over to us the people to cull the top 5 who will now move towards realization.
The3Six5 A new blog-project that invites a different, often famous, person to write an entry for each of the 365 days in 2010, essentially crowdsourcing a snapshot of the year.
The Fun Theory Award recognizes those thoughts, ideas and inventions that help prove the fun theory. That fun is the easiest way to change people's behaviour for the better. See example below